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Divorce Houston: Maybe the most common complaint I hear from people in my life about attorneys is that they cost too much money to employ. I'm not breaking new ground in discussing this issue but since it's a common enough concern about people I think it's valuable to have a discussion on it. So, really, why do divorces cost so much money?
You get what you pay for
The truth of the matter is that beyond the age old maxim, "You get what you pay for", it remains a fairly universal truth that if you get a number of estimates for a product or service and you choose the most inexpensive one that you may be disappointed with your purchase. This is no different in the realm of a Texas divorce.
In addition to having a lawyer retained to argue for you in a courtroom, family law attorneys act as equal parts counselor, advocate, and therapist. With that said, the more your attorney is involved in your case the more your case will cost you. Family law attorneys typically bill by the quarter hour or similar increment. This means that for every phone call made to the attorney or court appearance, your attorney will be billing you.
How to keep costs down?
How then can you avoid your attorney having to run up your tab? The simple answer is to avoid conflict as much as possible during the divorce process. Now, I understand that this isn't always something that is in the cards. Emergencies happen and unforeseen circumstances do arise that necessitate your attorney going the extra mile for you and your family. For the most part, however, the more you and your spouse argue over the children, the house, finances and/or anything in between, it's the attorneys making money.
The advice I can provide on how to avoid these issues is straightforward. If you are able, work out issues with your spouse directly rather than using the attorneys as intermediaries. Again, if you and your spouse are not on speaking terms this won't be an option. If you are though (and I've found most divorcing spouses to be) then it's simpler to cut out the middle men/women (attorneys) and negotiate directly on the issues with your spouse.
Attorneys can help if peace talks fail
Houston Family Law Attorneys: Attorneys are terrific as fall back options if talks break down. Attorneys are great to efficiently manage your case and ensure that it progresses towards a resolution. Attorneys do not own your case though. You do. I will begin most any initial conversation with a client with something along the lines of, "I look forward to working with you on your case." The operative phrases in that previous sentence are "with you" and "your case". I want the client to take ownership of the decisions made.
To sum it all up- it's a great idea to hire an attorney for your divorce case. Attorneys are professionals who have been through the process many times and are able to provide you with advice that help you in a difficult time in your life. However- this doesn't mean that you have to take out a second mortgage on your home to afford one. By reasonably working with your soon to be ex spouse on the pressing issues, you can minimize your case related expenditures and maximize your peace of mind. The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC are eager to speak to you about how our office can assist you and your family in a divorce situation. Contact us for a consultation- free of charge! ... Continue Reading